

Friday, February 25, 2022

Indigenous Health Round February 2022

Watch the Recording

On February 25, 2022 iCON and VCH Aboriginal Health hosted a virtual Indigenous Health Round, title “Trauma-Informed Care for Indigenous Patients and Families in Healthcare Settings.” We were honoured to have Elder Bruce Robinson, an Elder/Cultural Advisor for Kilala Lelum in the Downtown East Side, Urban Native Youth Association, and Broadway Youth Resource Center, and Dr. Alana Hirsh, a family physician and UBC Clinical Assistant Professor with expertise in addiction medicine, emergency medicine, and trauma-informed care.


The speakers guided the discussion on describe the ways in which trauma can impact people’s physiology, health and behaviour identify the ways in which trauma experienced by Indigenous populations may intersect with their experience of receiving health care in a typical Western/ allopathic healthcare setting, apply principals regarding approaches to health care of Indigenous patients that can contribute to establishing safety and well-being, and that reduce risk of re-traumatization, and identify how health care professionals can work to create culturally and emotionally safe organizations and contribute to meaningful change in health care cultures.


This event is organized by VCH Aboriginal Health and UBC iCON (Department of Emergency Medicine), and supported by the B.C. Ministry of Health Patients as Partners Initiative and the Vancouver Physician Staff Association.
Registration was required.


Friday, February 25, 2022


12:00pm – 1:30pm PT




Free to attend


Elder Bruce Robinson, Elder/Cultural Advisor, Kilala Lelum Urban Indigenous Health and Healing Cooperative


Dr. Alana Hirsh, family physician and UBC Clinical Assistant Professor, Kilala Lelum Urban Indigenous Health and Healing Cooperative

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