

Digital Health

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Digital health refers to the use of information and communications technologies in health management to promote physical and mental wellness.

According to Health Canada, digital health can increase access to health information, facilitate more timely diagnoses and treatments, and improve access to care for patients.

On this and related pages, you will find a range of resources that can support you and your loved ones in managing health using digital tools.

Scroll down for the curriculum ↓

Mr. Surendra Handa is a dedicated family man, a retired business owner, an active leader in the Surrey community, and an advocate for South Asian seniors and newcomers. Mr. Handa actively participated in iCON’s Train the Trainer program, teaching our digital health curriculum in his community.

Mr. Handa says “It has given me the ability to seek, find, understand and identify the quality of health information, to check the credibility and content of health information from digital technology and share the knowledge gained through the training through Train the Trainer Program of iCON UBC.”

Digital Health Curriculum

Here you will discover self-guided digital health literacy resources. This digital tool will help you connect with family, friends, or even a medical provider.

Explore Here


Fill 1


Digital Health Tips and Tools

Tips on choosing digital apps that can improve health through improving fitness, meditation, deep breathing, tracking calories, etc. In English; pdf infographic

Download document
Group 3

External Link

What is eHealth?

View link
Group 3

External Link

HealthLink BC – 811

Free-of-charge provincial health information and advice phone line

View link
Group 3

External Link

Healthy Apps for You!

View link


Do I need to install a program on my computer to use Zoom?

It is possible to use Zoom to join a meeting without installing a program on your computer. However, if you are using Zoom on your smart phone or tablet, you will need to download an app.

To learn more about Zoom, click here to view our step-by-step resources: Digital Health Curriculum

What do the different endings in the website links tell me? What is the difference between ".com" ".edu" ".org" etc.?

The ending to a website link tells you about what type of organization has created the website. Generally, “.edu” means the website is affiliated with a university or other educational organization. “.org” means the website is affiliated with a not-for-profit organization. “.com” can be used by any websites, and does not ensure that the organization has been verified. You can use this as a clue to understand what type of organization has published the website you are looking at.

To learn more about identifying high-quality information online, click here to view our step-by-step resources: Digital Health Curriculum

Why should I consider using virtual care? What can be done using virtual care vs. an in-person appointment?

Virtual care has many benefits that can make it a complement to in-person care, such as easy access, shorter wait times, and decreased patient exposure to potential health risks. However, there are some health conditions and symptoms that require in-person care, such as health emergencies. It is also helpful to see the same healthcare provider for a long term patient-provider relationship, rather than using drop-in online services for all of your health needs, as these services do not necessarily share patient information. Your healthcare provider can help you to determine whether virtual care, in-person care, or a combination of the two would be the best fit for your health needs.

To learn more about virtual care, click here to view our step-by-step resources: Digital Health Curriculum


What are our participants and trainers saying about our Digital Health resources and tools?

In response to What is the most important thing you learned in the session(s)?, one participant said: “Using the Internet to manage health and help my family, knowing which Internet health content is fake, and learning how to precisely find health websites and obtain accurate information, in order to manage my health well.”

In response to What did you like most about the session(s)?, one participant said: “1. The teacher taught very concisely. 2. Lots of pictures with text. Taught us step by step of how to find information online. 3. During group breakout, we communicated with each other.”

One trainer commented: “Actually I would like to thank you for designing this project. It’s such a valuable topic in a very right time that everyone as I’ve said needs this technology to be able to connect with their care provider virtually to make sure they have accessed valid information and also to make sure that they are comfortable using Zoom.”

Looking for more Health Tools?

Explore Here

Workshops and Related Resources

August 13, 2024- [CHI] Using Apps To Support Your Health

iCON Digital Health Literacy Series: Using Apps To Support Your Health will take place on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, from 10:00 – 11:30 am. Delivered in Cantonese.


Learning Objectives:

  • What are apps and how they can be used to manage your health

  • How to choose good quality apps

  • How to install apps

Click here to watch recordings and related resources.

March 7, 2024- [CHI] Accessing Your Personal Health Information Online

iCON Digital Health Literacy Series: Accessing Your Personal Health Information Online took place on Thursday, March 7, 2024. Delivered in Cantonese.


Learning Objectives:

  • Understand what personal health information is and how you can access yours online
  • Learn about how your personal health information is protected online
  • Get an introduction to Health Gateway and how it can be used

Click here to watch recordings and related resources.

September 17, 2023- [CHI] Accessing your Personal Health Information Online”

iCON and S.U.C.C.E.S.S. held a health fair event on Sunday, September 17, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. PT. with Dr. Peter Ling, MD, FRCPC Internal Medicine andDr. Wilson Wong, Family Physician. In this session, you will learn:

  • How to access your personal health information online
  • How your personal health information is protected online
  • Get an introduction of Health Gateway and how can it be used

Click here to watch recordings and related resources.

February 18, 2023- [CHI] Seeing Your Doctor Online In The Comfort of Your Own Home: It’s Easy!

Join us for an online webinar “Seeing Your Doctor Online In The Comfort of Your Own Home: It’s Easy!” on  Saturday, February 18, 2023 with Dr. Kendall Ho. This webinar is hosted by S.U.C.C.E.S.S.


In this webinar participants will learn about:

  • What to prepare for online medical visits
  • How you can get the most out of online medical visits
  • Types of health problems that this approach is most helpful
  • Types of problems that face-to-face visits with doctors are still indispensable

Click here to watch recordings and related resources.

February 2, 2023- [PAN] What You Need to Know about Health Screening

The Chronic Disease Webinar: What You Need to Know about Health Screening webinar was held on Thursday, February 2, 2023.

In this session participants learned about:

  • The importance of routine health screenings for chronic disease management and prevention (e.g., blood pressure, cholesterol/lipid, blood sugar, kidney/liver function)
  • How to monitor key vital signs between health screenings
  • How digital health apps can support chronic disease self-management

Click here to watch recordings and related resources.

October 16, 2022- [CHI] Health Fair: Using Technologies for Your Health at Home: It’s Easy!

The “Health Fair: Using Technologies for Your Health at Home: It’s Easy!” webinar which held on  Sunday, October 16, 2022. In this an interactive online presentation by Dr. Kendall Ho, Emergency Physician, participants learned about:

  • New and different ways to see doctors or manage their health using computers, mobile phones and apps
  • Common examples of using technology to manage their health at home
  • Tips on how to prepare and use technology for doctor’s appointments

Click here to watch recordings and related resources.


February 22, 2022- [ENG] Digital Health Landscape and How to Navigate Health Information Online

iCON and Canada Health Infoway held this webinar about Canada’s digital health landscape. This session provided an overview of digital health literacy in B.C. and across Canada. This session also provided participants with the skills to identify high quality health information online and apply these skills to support chronic disease self-management. Resources provided in this session are part of an initiative to build digital health literacy among multicultural communities.

  • Gained an understanding of the digital health literacy landscape in B.C. and across Canada
  • Learned tips to differentiate more reliable (higher quality) and less reliable (lower quality) health information
  • Explored and practiced how to find more reliable health information

Click here to watch recordings and related resources.